Folder Locking is a great tool for protecting your data from unauthorized access. It is easy to use and provides a secure way to protect your important files and folders. The process is simple and straightforward - just select the directory, right-click it, enter a master password and lock or unlock the folder. This is a great way to keep your data safe from unwanted eyes.
Folder Locking is a small software development by Kaustav Das Modak, A.K.A. "Kido". With it, the Author promises to provide a simple and quick method to protect any folder from Windows by setting a password to it.
The only thing you will find, when you extract the program is an icon, a few TXTs and the main (and only) executable. The "installation process" consists in just adding a new entry to the Explorer's context menu and prompting you for a "master password". Then, just right-click any folder, select "Lock folder", give the master password and that's it. You may follow a similar procedure to unlock the folder, I guess...and I say "I guess" because I never managed to make this program to work. When password-protecting a folder, I clicked on "Lock folder" button, hit Enter, and nothing happens. Very sad!
In sum, this program aims to give some kind of protection to your folders without using complicated software nor performing obscure manipulations on the file system. That could be good in some cases...but right now, the program is not usable at all, at least, when I try to use it, it just does nothing.
I'm sure that it's just about to fix that bug, to enjoy a great program for minimalist people. Meanwhile, it's not worth to download.